Faith does not make things easy it makes them possible.
Faith is a complete trust or confidence in something. When we live with faith, we believe in a higher power. We believe in things that can’t necessarily be seen; however, we know they’re there, and we believe in them. You board an airplane because you have faith in the pilot to take you to your destination. There are many persons, places, and things that we could put our faith in during our lifetime, but when it comes to things eternal, we must make sure that we get it right. We have high hopes for the future and believe that good things are going to happen. Life can get tough sometimes, and it is faith that keeps us going through those tough times. Faith is trust, as when a child trusts his father to catch him when he jumps. We trust the order of things which enables our life activities. Trust requires more than a belief in a particular fact because one’s life may depend on our trust; it calls more from us and is essential for living.
Faith has great importance in the religious and spiritual realms. Faith may be difficult to prove through scientific experiments, but its presence can often be felt in our everyday life. The popular saying, “Faith can move mountains,” is quite true, and there have been various examples of this. People are making a comeback after losing everything; people working for peace and society’s welfare are just a few examples of how faith can move mountains. You can achieve anything you want with good intentions and faith in your abilities, and God’s guidance. Faith is more than a question of religious beliefs, concepts, or words. It also involves culture. Over the centuries, an understanding of life, values, and social relations has developed within each religious tradition. Faith involves transforming one’s approach to life and one’s awareness of the truth for one’s life. Faith awakens us to our deep obligation to life while energizing our commitment to the welfare of others as the foundation for living. Even when the root is different, faith is universal, involving the whole person, while belief is mental assent to the accuracy of a given intention.
Faith to be alive and profound, we need to use our power to inquire, marvel and explore a truth intensely for ourselves. This requires us to approach the practice with a curious, eager, self-confident capacity to solve problems and questions. It requires us to examine where we place our faith and why to make us more aware and loving people.