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Writer's picturedivinesparie

Intuition and Embodiment – The power of body stories…

Intuition is the voice of embodied soul. Written by Paula M. Reeves, Each of us has the capacity for intuition that sudden inexplicable insight that tells us we know something we had no idea we knew. We are learning how to direct our attention of internal signals that are preparing us for childbirth. In actually, intuition is a major part of all your decision making and every creative inspiration. Mona Lisa, Schulz, M.D. Says,” If you have a brain and a body, then by definition you have to be, you are intuitive”. As women, being in touch with our body wisdom is crucial, particularly given all the challenges we face in modern life. As life becomes more and more fast- paced and full of change. We simply can’t navigate well unless we are in touch with our intuition. You simply cannot anticipate the future based on the past, which is what analysis does.

The way of conscious embodiment, we begin to feel, see and hear the intuition more clearly. We face many challenges as we learn to listen in for example, what if what we hear is disruptive to our lives? How do we differentiate between ”True” signals and those that should be ignored? These are crucial issues, particularly for women because our desire to please is so strong. We will feel a conflict between what our intuition is telling us we want at the deepest level and our wish to avoid a disruption in the expectations that we have been carrying for those we love. Listening to our bodies, we may even realize that we have agreed to things not because we truly felt them but to guarantee that we will not be rejected.

We live in the culture where unprepared the difference between being female and the issues of the feminine. Female roles and tasks, whatever they might be, are not always reflective of or conductive to the full expression of the deep feminine. A women can feel deeply fulfilled by motherhood. We can reach our ego driven goals, in jobs, professions or marriages and still awaken each morning with the tracks of dried tears etching our faces. In our sleep we are weeping for a return to the deep feminine. Every time a woman gives herself to create life for another. Every woman who gives birth to child or an idea or dream must also come to terms with what she must lose if she is to say yes to this new energy. Each compromise that we make to conceal our feminine essence in order to avoid rejection will have to be renegotiated before we can claim the psycho-spiritual truth of our genuine feelings and the spiritual compass of intuitive knowledge. We must learn how and when to yield to the opinions of others and when to stand firm even though we feel alone. What women are taught to care about the most often leaves no room for any care for the soul. Our first loves often teach us to ignore our deeper need for self-love. So we learn to please others. One of the first and more difficult stages of psychological independence is learning at an early age to discriminate confidently between what mother thinks is right for me or what I know is right for myself. It is no easy task for most of us.

One of the psychological buzzwords is the ” NEUROTIC” . Actually a neurotic is the body-mind condition that occurs when we have two choices of equal weight and can’t choose between them; should I spend this money or save it? Do I say Yes or No? Intellectually and emotionally we are pulled first this way and then that while getting nowhere at all. When you find yourself in this state, it’s time to turn inward and ask your body, Pause-note what each possibility feels like. Now ask yourself, what is this feeling trying to tell me? Our body will register and mirror the conflict but the body itself is never divided, never ambivalent. It is the nature of matter to move toward balance, toward wholeness always. Once you are trusting your body’s responses you will begin to relate intuitively to the constant gentle feedback, you are receiving about every aspect of your life.

Another personal benefit will be a quiet increase in self-confidence and self-respect. When you begin to develop a freer access to your embodied wisdom, inevitably a quiet self-confidence develops between your capacity for logic and reason and how this is enhanced by your intuition. Intuition has to have focused containment so it can be savored, observed, listened to, and learned from, otherwise it appears mystical, fleeting and unreliable. Trust the feeling and make up your mind to edit the film. Yes, it’s true the other person does do these things. However, the intensity of your body-mind is telling you that you must clean your own house first. Then you will find yourself putting less and less energy into your concerns about someone else’s behavior and that energy will be yours house more creatively. You will appreciate yourself more and even may find that you view the other person differently. It is infinitely easier to change yourself than to change someone else. Each time you edit your own behavior and your capacity to love and appreciate yourself deepening. The positive benefit are an enhanced immune system and happy Life.

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